Sunday, October 28, 2007

Step by Step Photo Recipe: Pumpkin and Shitake Sauce

Full recipe for this Pumpkin and Shitake sauce read here!

1. prepare: pumpkin, Shitake mushrooms, butter, white wine, leek, rosemary, salt, paper.

2. Slice leek into thin slices and fry them in deep pen with butter.

3. Add pumpkin cubes, splash with with wine and cook until wine evaporates then add 1 cup of stock.

4. Cook until pumpkin turns soft and fluids evaporate. Take half amount of pumpkin from the pan and mince it in food processor.

5. Meanwhile, clean Shitake and sliced them into thin slices. Put the minced pumpkin back in pan and add sliced mushrooms.

6. Stir lightly for additional 10 minutes. At the very end add rosemary, salt and paper.

7. Serve with Lentil patties.